Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Task 1 August

Task 1 August
First audio file - Megacities (Link Megacities )

How can big cities deal with the problem of transport?

Sentence  True or false? 

1.  Sue Shaw is an expert on how to protect the environment.  ----T
2.  Masako Ito lives in Tokyo. -----T
3.  Today the Tokyo Bay Area has a population of 18 million.-----F 
4.  New roads hav e solved Tokyo’s transport problems. -----F
5.  There are high charges f or cars  to use the city’s expressways.-----T 
6.  Tra vel by car  is f aster than tra vel by rail. ----F
7.  Tokyo’s transport inf rastructure is a usef ul model f or  developing countr ies.------F 
8.  Cities in developing countr ies should not rely on cars  to solv e their transport 
problems. -----T
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Second audio file - Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Link Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
Sentence  True or false? 

1. The reason that she attended the conference is because she wanted to cure a phobia she has
about flying. ____F
2. The trainer feels that the conference she attended has made a large difference to her life. ____F
3. She says that some people at the conferencebenefited from NLP by being cured of their ____T
phobias. ____T
4. She has been able to apply what she learned to her professional life. ____T
5. She became bored and distracted on the coursewhen listening to stories for 2 hours.____F
6. She feels the effectiveness of NLP depends on the person receiving the counselling. ____T
7. She is now more convinced of the benefits of NLP after having attended the conference.____T